Isnadah jahash bardawadhi!
(cue very cinematic music) (seriously it goes so well with this) A brief introduction to the Shi Dagha writing system Five is very significant in the Shi Dagha culture. There are five fin...
(cue very cinematic music) (seriously it goes so well with this) A brief introduction to the Shi Dagha writing system Five is very significant in the Shi Dagha culture. There are five fin...
“Listen to the storm.” The Imperial Cartographic Journal. Volume 24, Chapter 5. Dated 62.2.12004. Inscribed by Shaga IV. JaiSing City Machines made JaiSing into what it was; shaping its...
A game where you pivot letters around to make words! (Come on - the name is just perfect, right?) I was inspired by the surge in quick and short word games in the past number of years: Wordle, W...
Have you ever wondered what goes on in your computer when it runs something? No? Then what else are you here for - get outta here. This project was done as part of COMP30023 Computer Systems in ...
We’ve all heard it countless times - “This game engine will solve all my problems and it’ll be the one I’m looking for!!” But THIS time it’s the one for me. Godot is made by gamedevs for gamedevs,...
So finally with Devlog 1 out of the way, I can finally get on with showing the basic stuff done for the game. This is going to be animations, movements, actions, and plans. Firstly, I’d like to ...
Six - Plants and animals of the Sirocca Left to right, top to bottom. Mushell Mushells, or mushroom-shells, are one of many types of plant life scattered across the desert, often found near ho...
Why did you want to start making this game? I needed something to do. I also felt like I could pull something like this off for once, after learning so much at UniMelb. Doing side projects in C ...
Intro These are some parts of very short stories that I make, or are interesting to me. These are mostly sci-fi themed. One His name was Gabriel Laurent. He was a GSA scientist working at o...
Battleships in Haskell This is a custom game of Battleship, played on a 4x8 grid, although it could be an arbitrary size - this is just for the time complexity. Why choose Haskell? I am no...