
Isnadah jahash bardawadhi!

(cue very cinematic music)

(seriously it goes so well with this)

A brief introduction to the Shi Dagha writing system

Five is very significant in the Shi Dagha culture.

There are five fingers. Five extensions of the human torso. Five axes of emotions. Five axes of location. Five zodiacs. They count in base 5. Five times the prophet Al-Shiddim strove for atonement and enlightenment. Five peaks upon which the Shi Dagha inhabit.

Five is just prominent everywhere because of its coincidence and enforcement.

The writing system is an abugida, with five main “marker” characters that define the following characters’ meaning, pronunciation, and emotion. The marker characters are each associated with each of the five axes of location and the five axes of emotion.

MarkerPronunciationAxis of LocationAxis of Emotion
YmLeft/Right (sideways)Revulsion

The letters in the abugida are relatively simple, but combining it with the marker - which changes its meaning, pronunciation, and emotion - becomes complex. The marker is not pronounced. A marker can be used in the middle of a word to convey a more specific meaning, but is seen as inelegant. Words that can be interpreted in different ways using a single marker is regarded as beautiful.

Additional context must be picked up by the reader using the marker’s axis of location and/or emotion. A word can have the same pronunciation (may not have a meaning) or same meaning (different pronunciation) in a different marker - but with different characters. When a word’s marker is switched out, its pronunciation, emotion, and meaning completely changes.

For example (see image below):

(Ya)Reshii and (Ym)Ludhi have the same letters, but completely different pronunciation, and mean different things. Keep in mind that a marker switched out may result in the word having no meaning at all.

(Yor)Gahayi has the same pronunciation as (Ya)Gahayi, but the latter does not mean anything. (Yor)Gahayi only shares the same meaning with (Ya)Hashiisham.

Random words:

Random wordsPronunciation
Isnadah jahash bardawadhiis-na-DAH ja-hash BAR-da-wa-dih
Minaazashaho yazaalahomi-NAA-za-sha-ho ya-ZAA-la-ho
Imashneri ya kalahaII-mash-ne-ri ya ka-la-ha
Juuraha absi sihisaJUU-ra-ha ab-si zi-hi-sa
Azaagahayi ho ludhi is-kiftha akshahiia-ZAA-ga-ha-yi ho lud-dhi is-kif-tha ak-SHAH-hii

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